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About us

Earfy is a London, UK based brand. Our mission is to make wireless earbuds affordable and accessible. 

We love earbuds ourselves and aim to produce affordable and stylish earbuds. 

About - Our Story

Our journey started after we were really impressed with the wireless earbuds.

Initially, we thought wireless earbuds were more of a gimmick and people looked stupid wearing them.

All this changed when we tried ourselves and found out how convenient and productive they can be.

Earfy earbuds about

Earfy's Journey

We seriously loved the trendsetting Airpods  - both for their design and productivity. The big problem with those Airpods, however, was they are so expensive!!

Combine that with how easy they are to lose, and it’s almost unsustainable to keep buying new ones.

We thought there should a solution to this - while we could wait for the *fruit company to make them cheaper and more accessible, we could build third-party earbuds that basically do the same thing. The fact about those Airpods is that they aren’t anything special in terms of sound quality and they are simply powered by Bluetooth.

So with a slight compromise in design and features, we were able to produce similar Earbuds at a fraction of Airpod's price. Now you can easily try at least 8 pairs of our Earfy Earbuds for the price of a single AirPods. Isn’t that impressive?

We are on the mission of making Earbuds accessible.

Support our journey. Get yourself a pair! Happy Shopping. 

